Lab - Review ========== Follow the instructions line-by-line. * Type in the commands as is, but ignore the beginning prompt. * Enter, tab, up and down are represented by , and . * "No output" or "nothing happens" are valid answers to any of the questions. ========== ========== This lab will review downloading and uncompressing files, and it will get us set up for the remainder of the labs. ========== ========== 1. Go to your home directory. Write the command that you used to do this below: ---------- ========== 2. Prove that you're in your home directory. Write the command that you used to do this - as well as its output - below : ---------- ========== 3. Are there any directories or files in your directory that have the word mtec1003 in it? Write the command(s) that you used to determine this - as well as its output - below: ---------- ========== 4. If there are directories or files in your home directory that have the word mtec1003 in them, list them below (otherwise skip this step): ---------- ========== 5. Delete these directories from your home folder by using this command: $ rm -rf [name of directory/folder] for example: $ rm -rf mtec1003-labs-02 (skip if these directories don't exist) ---------- ========== 6. A compressed archive (.tar.gz) of the lab files can be found at this url: Download this file to your home directory into a file called mtec1003-lab-03.tar.gz Use a command that we learned to do this. This command should have a *flag* to specify the output file. MAKE SURE TO NAME YOUR OUTPUT FILE: mtec1003-lab-03.tar.gz Write the command(s) that you used to download this file - as well as its output - below: ---------- ========== 7. Uncompress the file that you just downloaded. Write the command(s) that you used to do this - as well as its output - below: ---------- ========== 8. You should now have a directory called mtec1003-lab-03 in your home directory. Verify that this directory exists. If the directory does not exist: a. go to your home folder b. go back to step 6 Otherwise... Write the command(s) that you used to do this - as well as its output - below: ---------- ========== 9. What directories are in the mtec1003-lab-03 folder? Write the command(s) that you used to determine this - as well as its output - below: ---------- ========== 10. Now... go back home. Then change to the science-fiction directory using a relative path. The directory is located in books... which is located in the mtec1003-lab-03 directory. Verify you're in the right directory using pwd. Write the command(s) (including going home) that you used to do this below: ---------- ========== 11. Write the files that are in the science fiction directory below. Write the command(s) that you used to do this - as well as its output - below: ---------- ========== 12. Again, go back to your home directory. Now... go to the science-fiction directory using an absolute path! Verify that you're in the right directory using pwd. Write the command(s) that you used to do this below: ---------- ========== 13. Immediately change back to the mtec1003-lab-03 folder with a single command using a *relative* path. Write the command(s) that you used to do this below: ---------- ========== 14. Find out what the most recently modified directory is in mtec1003 (there are only 3 to choose from)? How would you find this out? Hint: perhaps using something to show the modified date... and sort it by time. Write the command(s) that you used to do this below: ---------- ========== 15. Create a compressed archive of the logs folder - that is... take the contents of logs and create a single archive (.tar), and compress (.gz) Write the command(s) that you used to do this below: ----------