MTEC1003 Media Computation Skills Lab

Fall 2023 Wed 6:00-8:30 [ONLINE] Prof. Louis Goldford.



A list of assignments, deadlines, and points to help you plan for the semester.
For an overview of grading policies for this course, see XI. General Grading Rubric, located in the SYLLABUS.

Reminder: Deadlines are always due online (GitHub) at 11:59 PM Tuesday night each week!

I. Weekly Lab Assignments

Our schedule follows the Current CityTech Academic Calendar.
The following topics and their precise order may change. Check our Schedule page for updates!

190 Total Points in Lab Assignments

55.88% of your Course Grade

II. Participation

150 Total Points in Participation Scores

44.12% of your Course Grade

III. Altogether, thats…

340 Total Points for the course as a whole.

IV. Midterm Progress Report

Although there is no midterm exam for this course, your progress to date will be reported to you by email during the midterm period.

This semester, you should receive a midterm progress report from me on or before:
