This page will be updated frequently with examples, video tutorials, links to new resources, and occasional updates to LAB ASSIGNMENTS. Our schedule follows the Current CityTech Academic Calendar. The following topics and their precise order may change. Check here for updates!
Study all slides, references, and tutorials before each class.
Skip to: Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15
Week 1: 8/30
File System: Introduction, Navigation, Paths, Output, Download, Uncompress
Week #1 Survey/Quiz — Personal Info, Syllabus Elements
- Complete the quizlet above as part of today’s participation.
Start-of-Semester Business
- Review Syllabus + course policies.
- Review Detailed Breakdown of Grading.
- Review Keys for Success in MTEC1003
- About the Command Line
- Entering Commands
- Navigating the File System
- Paths
- Output, Download, and Uncompress
Video Tutorial
Stepping Through Week 1 Slides + Labs
Normally we won’t record our classes but sometimes we may in order to clarify complex topics. This video is archived from a previous version of this class, but the directions are all the same. For the 2 labs (below) this week, enter your respones in the text files and then save your changes directly on GitHub (i.e. “commit” your changes), as demonstrated and described in class and in this video. The slides above will help guide you to these answers, so be sure to study them and use to your advantage. Don’t forget to study the slides for Week 2 before next class!
Deadlines are always due online (GitHub) at 11:59 PM Tuesday night each week!
- Setting Up GitHub for Submitting Labs
- Lab 1 / Part 1: Commands + Navigation
- Lab 1 / Part 2: Download + (Un)Compress
Week 2: 9/6
File System: Shell Scripting, Permissions, Date/Time, Editing Files
Week 2 Quizlet
- Complete the quizlet above as part of today’s attendance + participation.
- Review
- Working With Files
- File Permissions, Editing, Date + Time, Shell Scripting
- Shell Scripting: Some Odds and Ends
- Submitting Week 2 Labs
- Lab 2 / Part 1 has been removed: We’ll only complete the following 2 labs this week!
- Lab 2 / Part 2: Working with Files
- Lab 2 / Part 3: Shell Scripting, Permissions, Editing Text, Date + Time
Further Reading / Suggested Resources
Basic Linux Terminal/Emulator Commands
Week 3: 9/13
Version Control: Introduction to GIT, Concepts + Basic Commands
Week 3 Quizlet
- Complete the quizlet above as part of today’s attendance + participation.
- Introduction to Version Control + Git
- Creating and Setting Up Repositories
- Making, Saving, and Sharing Changes
- More info on GitHub personal access tokens
Video Tutorial Series
Daniel Shiffman: Git and GitHub for Poets
Week 4: 9/20
Version Control: Local/Remote Repositories + Collaboration Via GitHub
Week 4 Quiz
- Lab 4 / Part 1: Pull Requests + Merge Conflicts
- Lab 4 / Part 2: Review — Creating + Setting Up Git Repositories
- Lab 4 / Part 3: Review — Saving + Sending Changes to Your Repository
Week 5: 9/27
JavaScript + Python: Introduction, Variables, Types, Input/Output
Week 5 Quiz
Short Video Tutorial
How to Study for Week 5
- Lab 5 / Part 1: JavaScript Values, Types, Operations, Variables, Calling Functions, and Input/Output
- Lab 5 / Part 2: All the Basics… But in PYTHON!
Video Tutorial
Setup for Week 5 Labs + “Greetings” In JavaScript + Python
Week 6: 10/4
Review: Version Control + Basic JavaScript/Python
Week 6 Quiz
Week 7: 10/11
Javascript + Python: Conditionals
Week 7 Quizlet
Week 8: 10/18
JavaScript + Python: For Loops
Week 8 Quiz
JavaScript + Python: Debugging
CS Dojo: 5 Debugging Tips Every Developer Should Know
Google Chrome Developers: Debugging JavaScript - Chrome DevTools 101
Further Reading / Suggested Resources
Week 9: 10/25
Javascript + Python: Function Definitions + Function Calls
Week 9 Quiz
Week 10: 11/1
Review Week
Week 10 Quiz
Nothing to prepare. This week we'll be reviewing for loops and discussing some more advanced features of functions and variables, including a discussion of "variable scope."
Week 11: 11/8
Javascript + Python: More Kinds of Loops
Week 11 Quiz
Don’t forget to watch + study the following…
Recursion Tutorial Videos
Shiffman: Tree Branches (in p5.js)
Professor Thorsten Altenkirch: The Tower of Hanoi (in Python)
- Lab 10 / Part 1: While Loops
- Lab 10 / Part 2: Recursions
Make sure you listen to the entire Ladybug Podcast episode (find it under Week 8, above) before next class! Our next quiz will include questions related to this podcast and to the topic of debugging.
Week 12: 11/15
HTML/CSS: Introduction
Week 12 Quiz: Debugging
- A CheatSheet of Basic HTML Tags
- Shay Howe’s Building Your First Web Page Tutorial
- HTML Dog’s CSS Beginner Tutorial
- HTML Dog’s CSS Intermediate Tutorial
Week 13: 11/29
HTML/CSS: Drawing on Web Pages (Using JavaScript + HTML Canvas)
No classes on 11/22 due to Thanksgiving. Week 13 has skipped a week. For further details, see:
Current CityTech Academic Calendar
Week 13 Quizlet
Example Websites Created by Former Students
For our final lab at the end of this class, you will make a personal website that could looks like this…
- Example #1: Stephany Pena
- Example #2: Karla Ramirez
- Example #3: Henry Cruz
- Example #4: Antonio Almaguer
- Example #5: Eric White
- Example #6: Samuel Cheung
Further Reading / Suggested Resources
Week 14: 12/6
GitHub Pages, Advanced Web Design + Layout
Week 14 Quizlet
- Intro. to GitHub Pages
- How to use Google Fonts in your next web design project
- How to Create a Hero Image
- How to Create a “Sticky” Navbar (JavaScript + CSS)
Shiffman: GitHub Pages - Git and GitHub for Poets
Supplemental Shortcuts for HTML Elements
Choose one or many for your final project!
Click HERE to reveal HTML/CSS Shortcuts! (They'll fold out below...)
Week 15: 12/13
Complete + Present Final Assignments
Final Class held on a university Reading Day. If necessary, we can push this to the following week, but that is the very last day of the semester. I would prefer to hold our last class as scheduled to allow people to start their holiday earlier. Let me know if you have any questions about this. For more information, see:
Current CityTech Academic Calendar
Lab 15: Personal Website Presentations
- Each student presents their website (5-10 minutes per student)
- Be prepared to ask questions or make constructive comments when called upon.
- Be prepared to respond to questions about your site or your portfolio work.