MTEC1003 Media Computation Skills Lab

Fall 2023 Wed 6:00-8:30 [ONLINE] Prof. Louis Goldford.


Lab 8 / Part 2: Python For Loops


Setup for Python3

  1. Recreating JavaScript For Loop Exercises in Python
  2. Parsing a Dictionary

Setup for Python3

Let’s be sure your Terminal session will run Python3 (instead of the prepackaged Python 2.7.x) when calling python on the command line. We can create an “alias” for python3 by running the following command:

  $ alias python=/usr/local/bin/python3 

Alternatively, you can simply run python3 in the Terminal instead of python, but this gets annoying after awhile.

Once you’ve done this, you’re all set.

1. Recreating JavaScript For Loop Exercises in Python

NOTE: This section starts with the same 5 exercises from Lab 8 / Part 1. If you feel more comfortable with Python rather than JavaScript, you can start with this section in Python and then complete the JavaScript exercises last. Either way, click on the link below for Lab 8 / Part 1 to see the details for each program.

In Lab 8 / Part 1, you made 3 programs that returned different results depending on user input:

  1. tens.html
  2. party.html
  3. average.html
  4. largest.html
  5. fizzbuzz.html

Using your knowledge of Python, aided in part by this week’s For Loops in Python slides, translate your 3 HTML/JavaScript programs into Python and save them as:, party,py,,, and

Make sure they’re in your /lab-08-for-loops repository!

Now we just have to test our python scripts by running them on the command line.

Back in Terminal, simply type python, then a space, and then drag-and-drop one of your new files, e.g., onto the Terminal window (remember: this will quickly create a full path to your file on the command line!). Run the command by hitting enter, of course.

Make sure your file is included in your /lab-08-for-loops repo, and don’t forget to add, commit, and push your changes. Use your git cheatsheet (from lab 3) if you need it.

2. Parsing a Dictionary

Using your text editor (e.g. Atom, Sublime Text, etc.), create a new file called in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/myClasses/mtec1003/lab-08-for-loops/.

Copy + paste the following into the top line of your new file:

 myData = {"effective top tube length": 515, "seat tube length": 500, "seat tube angle": 74.4, "head tube angle": 70.5, "stack": 513, "reach": 367, "standover height": 755} 

Continue typing your code so that your program reads in this data and:

  1. concatenates + prints a series of key and value pairs (for each of its key/value pairs),
  2. collects all keys into a separate list and prints it,
  3. and collects all values into another list and prints it.

Use 1 for loop to do these tasks.

Your output in the console should look something like this:

  key: effective top tube length, value: 515
  key: seat tube length, value: 500
  key: seat tube angle, value: 74.4
  key: head tube angle, value: 70.5
  key: stack, value: 513
  key: reach, value: 367
  key: standover height, value: 755
  ALL KEYS: ['effective top tube length', 'seat tube length', 'seat tube angle', 'head tube angle', 'stack', 'reach', 'standover height']
  ALL VALUES: [515, 500, 74.4, 70.5, 513, 367, 755]

Save your code, make sure your file is included in your /lab-08-for-loops folder, and don’t forget to add, commit, and push your changes. Use your git cheatsheet (from lab 3) if you need it.

At the end of this lab, your /lab-08-for-loops folder should contain the following files: