MTEC1003 Media Computation Skills Lab

Fall 2023 Wed 6:00-8:30 [ONLINE] Prof. Louis Goldford.


Lab 15: Your Personal Website


  1. Overview of This Lab
  2. Requirements of Lab 15 (Your Website)

1. Overview of This Lab

By now, you’ve learned all about creating a multi-page website, designing it with a good layout, your own preferred colors and typefaces (fonts), and pushing the site to GitHub Pages for remote hosting.

Previously, you brainstormed ideas for content on your own site, helping you prepare for the final assignment in MTEC1003.

In short, you have all the ingredients you need to complete your own personal website!

The remainder of your week will be spent finishing your own site, pushing it to GitHub Pages, and preparing to present your work to the class next week: our final class this semester.

Below, I’ll describe the requirements for this lab:

1. Requirements of Lab 15 (Your Website)

Previously you gathered your ideas and planned for your website in Lab 12 / Part 3: Preparing for Your Final Assignment.

For the final project, you will take this content you developed and plug it into the website template presented to you in Lab 14: Advanced Web Design + GitHub Pages.

Your website will be hosted on GitHub in a repository with name of your choice (Recommended: lab-15-personal-site) and then CLONE it onto your local machine inside your /mtec1003 folder. (As always, use your knowledge of git and all of your previous references in order to do this.)

You can choose your own repository name to further personalize your site; especially if you want to share it publicly (e.g. Louis-Goldford-homepage).

You will finish your site this week, push it to GitHub Pages, and to complete Lab 15 you’ll EMAIL ME 2 LINKS by the start of class next Monday, December 14:


(The 1st link is the “back end” of your site, where I can see the source files you pushed. The 2nd link is the “front end”, or the website interface itself.)

Your website must have a minimum of 4 linked pages:

  1. a Home page
  2. an About Me page
  3. at least 1 Portfolio page: can include photos, videos, text explanations, excerpts of your code, etc.
  4. a Contact page, where people can easily learn how to reach you (e.g. email and/or phone number, or placeholder contact info if you don’t want to use your own!)

In addition, your website must have the following elements:

Design elements to include in your site, based on our work this week:

You may optionally include a “hero image” at the top of your website as well.

CRUCIAL: Reusing the fonts, color schemes, photos, and other content given in our tutorials is strictly prohibited. You will need to “design” your site yourselves: choose your own colors, fonts, images, and potentially videos and layout. You now have the tools to make your own creative decisions. Repeating the same elements in your own site will result in a lowered grade!

At the end of this lab, your /lab-15-personal-site repo should contain the following files:

  1. your Home Page, e.g. index.html
  2. an External Style Sheet, e.g. style.css
  3. Your “About Me” page, e.g. aboutme.html
  4. Your “My Portfolio” page(s), e.g. myportfolio.v01.html
  5. Your Contact page, e.g. contact.html
  6. Include any image or video files that will be linked inside your HTML (Not necessary if you’re linking content from other sites, such as an image hosted elsewhere or a video on YouTube, for example. In this case, you’ll use <a href="...">...</a> tags in your HTML source).
  7. Optionally: include any necessary external JavaScript, e.g. navbar.v01.js

Make sure all files are all included in your /lab-15-personal-site repo, and don’t forget to add, commit, and push your changes! (Remember: for pushing to GitHub Pages, you’ll invoke git push origin gh-pages!)

Be sure it worked!

Check in 2 places:

  1. Check your GitHub repository just as you normally do each week to be sure all files are there.
  2. Check your website address to be sure the site loads properly on GitHub Pages. Remember, the formula for your address will be:

In addition, prepare to present + discuss your website and personal work for approximately 5-10 minutes on the last day of class. Additionally, as you watch each other’s presentation, think of questions or constructive comments to share; plan to answer a few questions from the class. If you’re shy, be prepared to ask a question of the presenter when I call on you.