Lab 8 / Part 1 - JavaScript For Loops
In this lab, you’ll be creating several programs:
- tens
- party
- average
- largest
- fizzbuzz
ProTip: Bookmark the following page so that you can easily repeat these steps in your future labs!
Cloning a Remote Repo Using Your GitHub API Access Token
- On GitHub, create and name your new repository lab-08-for-loops and clone it inside your /mtec1003 folder.
- Once you've completed the steps at the link above, you're ready to begin.
Open up your text editor (e.g. Atom, Sublime Text, etc.)... - Note: ALL FILES YOU CREATE BELOW MUST BE SUBMITTED IN YOUR NEW REPOSITORY THIS WEEK.
Write a program that counts by 10’s from 20 to 100
- using your text editor (e.g. Atom, Sublime Text, etc.), create a new file called tens.html in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/myClasses/mtec1003/lab-08-for-loops/
- setup an html file, and add script tags… start writing your JavaScript between the script tags
- the program should count from 20 to 100 by 10’s
- example output below…
- save your file in your text editor (e.g. Atom, Sublime Text, etc.)
- use status add commit and push to save your file in version control and submit it
Write a program that acts for user input… and counts down from that number to exactly 1. After it counts down to 1, it says “PARTY TIME!!!”.
- using your text editor (e.g. Atom, Sublime Text, etc.), create a new file called party.html in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/myClasses/mtec1003/lab-08-for-loops/
- setup an html file, and add script tags… start writing your JavaScript between the script tags
- say - “Let’s party…”
- ask for a number: “How long ‘til the party?”
- based on the input, it should count down from that number to 1
- remember to convert from a string to an int!
- if the number that is input is less than 1, then say “PARTY NOW!!!”
- at the end, say “PARTY TIME!!!”
- save your file in your text editor (e.g. Atom, Sublime Text, etc.)
- use status add commit and push to save your file in version control and submit it
- example interaction is below (everything after the greater than sign (> is user input using the prompt function):
# Run 1:
# -----
Let's party...
(prompt) How long 'til the party?
> 3
# Run 2:
# -----
Let's party...
(prompt) How long 'til the party?
> -1
Ask for four numbers, output the average of those numbers. Use a for loop to do this.
- using your text editor (e.g. Atom, Sublime Text, etc.), create a new file called average.html in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/myClasses/mtec1003/lab-08-for-loops/
- setup an html file, and add script tags… start writing your JavaScript between the script tags
- ask for a number 4 times: “Number please….”
- calculate the average of those 4 numbers
- remember to convert from a string to an int!
- say: “The average is x”, with x replaced by the actual average of the inputs.
- example interaction is below (everything after the greater than sign (> is user input using the prompt function):
(prompt) Number please...
> 4
(prompt) Number please...
> 6
(prompt) Number please...
> 1
(prompt) Number please...
> 9
The average is 5.
Ask for four numbers, output the largest of those numbers. Use a for loop to do this.
- using your text editor (e.g. Atom, Sublime Text, etc.), create a new file called largest.html in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/myClasses/mtec1003/lab-08-for-loops/
- setup an html file, and add script tags… start writing your JavaScript between the script tags
- ask for a number 4 times: “Number please….”
- using comparison operators and a conditional (in each iteration), determine the current largest number…
- remember to convert from a string to an int!
- say: “The largest number is x”, with x replaced by the current largest number
- example interaction is below (everything after the greater than sign (> is user input using the prompt function):
(prompt) Number please...
> 4
(prompt) Number please...
> 6
(prompt) Number please...
> 1
(prompt) Number please...
> 9
The largest number is 9
Count from 1 to 100, but print out fizz or buzz depending on special conditions.
- using your text editor (e.g. Atom, Sublime Text, etc.), create a new file called fizzbuzz.html in your repository directory: ~/Desktop/myClasses/mtec1003/lab-08-for-loops/
- setup an html file, and add script tags… start writing your JavaScript between the script tags
- print out 1 to 100 …with the following exceptions:
- for multiples of three, print out “Fizz” instead of the number
- for multiples of five, print out “Buzz” instead of the number
- for multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”
- example output is below: