Media Computation Skills Lab

MTEC 1003

Lab 6 / Part 1 - JavaScript Basics

In this lab, you’ll be creating several programs:

  1. say twice
  2. shout
  3. temperature
  4. miles



ProTip: Bookmark the following page so that you can easily repeat these steps in your future labs!

Cloning a Remote Repo Using Your GitHub API Access Token

say twice

Write a program that takes user input and repeats the user input twice (both words on the same line) in the JavaScript console.

(prompt) Give me a word to say twice
> hello
hello hello


Write a program that takes user input and repeats the user input, but with three exclamation points afterwards.

(prompt) Give me a word, and I'll shout it out
> yeah


Write a program that calculates celsius to fahrenheit based on user input.

(prompt) Please enter a temperature in celsius
> 37
37 degrees celsius is 98 degrees fahrenheit


Write a program that calculates miles-per-gallon based on user input for miles driven and gallons of gas used.

(prompt) How many miles did you drive?
(prompt) How many gallons of gas did you use?
Your car gets 10.0 miles per gallon.

MTEC 1003 - Media Computation Skills Lab 2 - Spring 2015